Have you ever interviewed for your dream job but the salary is close to, but not quite where you’d like it to be? While salary is the most obvious and typical aspect of a job offer to negotiate, it’s important to take into account all the other pieces of the puzzle. Is there workplace flexibility? How is the PTO policy? Are you accepting a lower salary because other parts of the package are better?
Today, we’re sharing a few key pieces of a job offer that you can and should negotiate on.
Additional Vacation Time
While some companies may have set PTO policies in place for all employees, you won’t know unless you ask. In some cases, companies may be willing to be a bit more generous with PTO days for the right candidate.
Flexibility In Your Work Location
If there’s anything the last year taught us, it’s that strict in-office policies are not necessary, and most employees can be just as productive, if not more productive, while working from home. Depending on the nature of the role, some companies may be willing to compromise on workplace location with a hybrid schedule or full WFH flexibility.
Flexibility In Your Work Schedule
If you have a family and kids, having a flexible work schedule may be in your best interest—and most companies can accommodate flexibility in your schedule if planned accordingly and expectations are set up front.
Your Job Title
Often times job titles vary so much from company to company, what may be a promotion salary and responsibility-wise, may not come with a title that reflects that. Luckily, a lot of companies are willing to be flexible on exact position title, as long it doesn’t stray too far from their salary and responsibility expectations.
Sign-On Bonus and Stock Options
In certain industries, there can be a lot of competition for the perfect candidate. While, at the same time, salaries are very consistent across different companies. Consider a monetary differentiator in the form of stock options or sign-on bonus if you find yourself in this position.
Taking on a new role can be exciting but making sure you’re fairly compensated should always be a priority. Though there are plenty of ways to build an overall package that makes sense for you, considering the above can help turn the tide on whether you accept a new responsibility or not.